Urban Market Analytics (UMA) works with visionary people and organizations to help design, fund and evaluate place-based solutions to the problems of poverty and inequality.


UMA specializes in designing, evaluating and analyzing collaborative and collective impact solutions to:

  • Strengthen the talent supply chain and bridge more people into the workforce and up the career ladder [WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT]
  • Grow the micro & small business sectors as a source of new jobs and revenue [BUSINESS DEVELOPMENT]
  • Accelerate poverty reduction for high-poverty communities [POVERTY REDUCTION]
  • Speed commercial revitalization and redevelopment in blighted and low-income areas [ECONOMIC RE/DEVELOPMENT]
  • Grow and strengthen low-performing community economies [COMMUNITY ECONOMIC GROWTH]


UMA’s CEO Gypsy Gallardo has worked with public sector, philanthropic and community leaders to build data-driven approaches to economic equity. Her work includes analyzing the capacity of systems, the potential of markets, and the impact of equity initiatives. View UMA’s Analysis Portfolio.